CPCS / NOCN would like to thank you for all your support over the past months of difficulty, since the transfer of CPCS data, and apologise again for the challenges that this has caused you and your customers.
Card Applications Update
Our team of temporary and permanent staff have been working overtime on evenings and at weekends to put the card processing on track. We are making good progress and have processed, printed and despatched 13,698 CPCS cards to date (week ending 6th March).
Incorrect cards
Unfortunately, we are still having some problems with incorrect cards, and these are being re-issued as a priority. SMART data is being updated or turned off where necessary, so Card Checker is corrected immediately. We have updated the IT system to avoid repeat errors and apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused.
To help us focus on these incorrect cards, we have set up a specific mailbox for all incorrect card enquiries: incorrectcards@jobcards.org. CPCS card carrier letters are also being updated with this mail address so that we can quickly resolve any issues. Please only use this email address if you have any issues with incorrect cards to enable us to resolve any issues as soon as possible – all other queries please email: enquiries@jobcards.org
Card Fraud
Cardholder details are visible on the online Card Checker within a few hours of an application completing the print processing stage. The new CPCS SMART system protects against card fraud, as a fraudulent card will not link through to the online Card Checker. You may encounter issues around tapping the card with your NFC devices, if the card links to MyTag and you get an error code please also report this to the email address incorrectcards@jobcards.org. We are aware that the new card designs are already being fraudulently copied. Tapping the card on any NFC enabled device will ensure that the integrity of the system is retained.
Grant Payments
We have been working closely with CITB to enable CITB to pay grants to employers for CPCS theory and practical tests that have been achieved. Grant payments are now being processed by CITB for these achievements and employers should be receiving automated grant payments and grant remittance forms. All grant queries should go to levy.grant@citb.co.uk. If employers have missed Grant then they can claim this from CITB via the ‘missed Grant’ process.
Customer Call Volumes
Despite improvements we are still experiencing high customer call volumes, we have implemented a new phone strategy which has reduced customer call time significantly. If you are a test centre we would still advise you to email your dedicated customer coordinator to ask for a call back to save you time.